
The League of Women Voters of the Plymouth Area’s Sustainability Committee has been actively working on local climate and environmental issues for many years. Our continued agenda is to work so that local action is consistent with the best climate science so as to ensure a stable climate system for future generations.

Members of the LWV of the Plymouth Area are active in many of our local boards, committees, and climate advocacy organizations, including the Climate-Ready Health Plymouth Steering Committee; the Saltwater Intrustion Task Force; the Citizen’s Climate Lobby; Sustainable Plymouth; Southeastern Massachusetts Pine Barren Alliance (SEMPBA); the Water Conservation Committee, and the Town of Plymouth’s Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Planner, Michael Cahill.

Click here for a full list of organizations in the Plymouth area who are our partners in tasking actions to promote sustainability.



Slides and handouts from this event:

Slides and handouts from this event:

Slides and handouts from this event:

This year, we wrap up our year-long partnership with SEMPBA on the Salt Water Intrusion Project, on which our role was community engagement and communication. Watch this video about the project. One of our main projects was “Read Up a Storm,” in which we engaged readers and book clubs in sharing reads and thoughts on their readings about books related to climate and sustainability. Click here for the curated reading list.


One thing we must all, always, be thinking of is recycling. We are happy to share Ken Stone’s recent article in the Plymouth Old Colony Memorial: “Yes, Virginia, Recycling Does Exist.”

This thoughtful essay includes links to a number of useful websites where you can find out what is recyclable, other ways to reduce and reuse, and  things that you as individuals can do:

This is the only planet we have.